Carer's Noticeboard




Register as a Carer


Carers Group

Are you looking after someone in North Dorset?

Come and join us at a local Carers Group. 

It’s a chance to meet and talk with others who may be experiencing similar circumstances, thoughts and feelings, in an informal and supportive setting. 

The group is run fortnightly at Gillingham Library between 2pm to 4pm. The group is free of charge and there is no need to book. Refreshments provided. 

Please note: the library is closed on Wednesday’s so please enter via the doors facing the rear car park.

Contact Carers Support Dorset 0800 368 8349

Contact DC Carers Case Worker Lynne White 01747 859 120

GP Surgery Carers Lead at Gillingham 01747 834 337 Shaftesbury 01747 856 700


Jelly Drops

  • Are you living with, or caring for, someone who has dementia?
  • Do you know someone who might benefit from some Jelly Drops?

As long as they live in their own home, or part of a family, in Gillingham or one of the surrounding villages, we will consider them for a donation of some Jelly Drops during the summer months, when hydration is so important.

Jelly Drops are award-winning sweets designed to boost hydration, made of 95% water, designed to increase fluid intake.

Tackling a common dementia problem

From the inability to hold cups to not equating thirst with drinking, many people with dementia no longer feel thirst, The impact of inadequate hydration can give rise to many health problems.
So please let me know if you feel someone could be helped by Jelly Drops.

Contact Anne Kings on 01747 837908.

The Leonardo Trust – New short breaks service for Carers!

Leonardo Trust are launching a new respite service for unpaid carers (Short Breaks 4 Carers, Time out for you) from 17th May 2021.

They have a lovely 2 bedroom static Holiday Caravan at Freshwater Beach Holiday Park, near Bridport which is being offered to carers via referral from health & social care professionals and agencies.

This is a brilliant opportunity for carers to utilise, particularly after a very difficult and tough year. 


Unpaid Carer Advisory Group

Carer Support Dorset are looking for unpaid carers to join a new advisory group. This is an organisation-wide group which includes carers from their sister organisation, Carer Support Wiltshire.
Joining the group will give you the chance to express your thoughts and experiences as a carer, influence services and make a difference for carers in Dorset and Wiltshire.
For more information and to sign up email

Poster showing a group meeting. Text: Why join? Help us to understand how we can best support carers. Influence services and support for carers. Get your voice heard and make a difference to unpaid carers in Wiltshire and Dorset.